List of customers in mobile tablet to call back from call centre.

Do Call Back Options Improve the Customer Experience

Many companies are always looking for ways to improve the experience when it comes to customer service. One way to do this is by offering call back choices. Here is a discussion on what a message on hold call back option is, how it works when it works best and if it is a good business strategy. We will also look at some scientific evidence that supports the use of call back choices and provide tips on how you can implement a trial call back strategy in your business today.

What is a Call Back Choice?

A call back choice is a service that allows customers to leave their contact information and receive a call back from a customer service representative. The client won’t have to stay on hold for very long because the procedure is digitally automated.

How it Works

Customers get the choice to leave their contact details and request a call back, which is how the service operates. The system will route the call to the next available customer service representative.

Types of Call Back

There are two types of message on hold call back options: on-demand and scheduled. When a consumer requests a call back and wishes to be linked to the subsequent agent, this is known as on-demand. A scheduled call back is one that a client requests at a specific time and date.

Instances When a Call Back Choice Works Best

On-demand is excellent for customers who need immediate assistance but may not have the time to wait on hold. Scheduled is ideal for those who know they won’t be available at the call or want to plan.

Is the Call Back Choice a Good Business Strategy?

Providing a call back alternative can be a smart business move for a number of reasons.


Here are five advantages of a call back choice:
• It can improve customer service

• Reduced abandoned calls

• Increased first call resolution

• It’s convenient for customers

• Can save the company money

Customer Satisfaction

It provides a more convenient and efficient way for customers to get their needed help. It also eliminates the frustration of being placed on hold for lengthy periods.

Reduced Abandoned Calls

One study found that offering a call back choice can reduce abandoned calls by up to 30%. Customers are likely to wait for a call back if they anticipate not having to stay on hold for a long period of time.

Increased First Call Resolution

Call back choices, which let users arrange a call back for a certain time frame, can assist raise the percentage of first-call resolutions. It is because agents will have more time to prepare for the call and gather necessary information.

It’s Convenient For Customers

Modern consumer habits illustrate that convenience is a deal maker or a deal breaker, according to a study done by PwC. The research shows that 68% of consumers are willing to pay more for a product or service if it is more convenient.

Offering a call back alternative is one way to make the customer experience more convenient and easier. It allows consumers to schedule a call back at a time convenient for them.

Can Save the Company Money

Here are five limitations of a call back strategy:
• The potential for increased wait times

• Customers may not use the service

• It can be technically challenging to implement

• It requires requires greater investment including upgraded phone systems and more training

• May not be suitable for all businesses

Potential for Increased Wait Times

It happens if the number of call backs scheduled exceeds agents available. Businesses must have enough staff to handle the volume of call backs. They may also need to offer an estimated wait time to set customer expectations.

Customers May not Use the Service

Even if businesses promote the call back choice, customers may not use it. It can be due to various reasons, such as not knowing it exists or preferring to speak to a representative immediately. Businesses must make sure customers know the service and its benefits to increase adoption rates.

It Can be Challenging to Implement

A call back strategy can be challenging to implement because it requires investment and coordination. Businesses need to have the right technology in place to enable the service. They also need to train staff on how to use it effectively.

It Requires Investment

A message on hold call back option often requires an upfront investment in both time and money. It could increase the workload of any I.T department in an organisation.

Not Suitable for All Businesses

It is because a call back choice requires investment and coordination. Not every company has the means or ability to set up a call back choice. Before deciding if it’s right for your business, consider the costs and benefits.

How to Implement a Trial Call Back Strategy in Your Business Today

If you’re interested in implementing a message on hold call back choice in your business, there are a few things you need to do.
• Pick a software: There are many different software options available on the market. The best for your business depends on your specific needs and requirements.

• Train your staff: Once you have the software in place, it’s essential to train your staff on how to use it. It includes front-line customer service agents and those who manage the call centre.

• Set clear goals: Before starting, you must set clear goals for what you want to achieve with the call back choice. It will help you measure success and determine if the strategy works for your business.

• Promote the service: Make sure customers know the call back choice by promoting it through various channels, such as your website, social media, email marketing and telephone on hold messages.


Call back choices are excellent for large businesses or organisations with substantial resources. They can simplify the service delivery process and increase a business’s customer base. However, an improved customer experience outcome isn’t guaranteed. What is your take on the message on hold call back option? Let us know in the comments. Would you like to set up your company’s on hold messaging services through music instead? Speak to us to learn about how else we can help improve your caller traffic flow and overall custom experience.

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